Nicole考驗設計師基本功的六款小遊戲整理你有設計師之眼嗎? 每天配色、對齊、調字距、鋼筆拉來拉去,靠著練習與經驗,設計師通常會比一般人擁有更好的色感及敏銳度。以下整理了六款可以考驗設計師基本功的小遊戲,測一下你有沒有絕對色感和像素眼。Jan 18, 2019Jan 18, 2019
InIntersectionbyYuming Cheung使用者介面的視覺效應(給真正的狂熱份子)要如何製作視覺平衡的圖示、修正各種形狀的靠齊,還有讓圓角完美呈現,用看圖的方式學會。Sep 28, 20171Sep 28, 20171
InMuzli - Design InspirationbyWednesday SolutionsA Guide to Building Style Guides: Efficiency GuaranteedAs a designer, we all have been there, dealing with inconsistencies in our process and designs. As nerve-racking as it is, it has helped…Mar 23, 2022Mar 23, 2022
InUX PlanetbyNick Babich8 Tips for Dark Theme DesignDark theme is one of the most requested features over the past few years. Both Apple and Google made a dark theme an essential part of UI…Jul 29, 20196Jul 29, 20196